Episode #7: Francesco Gaminara (Part I)

No Brain No Gains: Mental Strategies to Becoming a Champion

In this episode, 2017 Italian NBBUI Champion Francesco Gaminara tells about how bodybuilding has helped him overcome weight problems and mental health struggles, and how it has shaped his mindset positively. With the same positive mindset derived from training, Francesco has won the first two shows he has ever taken part in, becoming national champion. Now, after a 3-year break, he is ready to come back, and win his title back.

Follow Francesco on Instagram and on YouTube.

Time Stamps

0:00 Introduction. Francesco’s Story

8:58 How Training Has Affected Francesco’s Mindset and Helped Him Recover From both Physical and Mental Weakness

17:08 The Role of a Positive Environment in Training

21:14 Visualisation and Meditation Practices in Bodybuilding

33:35 How Francesco Won his First Show Through Meditation and Visualisation

57:40 Conclusion

Literature Cited

Sierra, Sergio A. and Laia San Beltrán. 2019. Thor e il potere di Mjölnir. Bergamo (Italy): NIIAG (Mitologia Nordica).

Further Literature

Van Raalte, Judy L. et al. 2016. ‘Self-talk: Review and sport-specific model’. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 22:139-148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.08.004